Thursday, March 24, 2016

Slow Your Roll

On Wednesday March 23 the blog site Off the Kuff  released an article about how Houston officials are trying to slow down traffic in residential area. They plan to do this by installing safety devices like speed bumps in the neighborhood. Every neighborhood will be planned to get speed blocks every 10 to 20 square blocks..It was cited that slower speeds are safer for pedestrians and bikers. The author's intended audience is any driver( mainly Houston drivers) or residents in the Houston area. Although, if this tactic works then i wouldn't be surprised to see this in other cities. The author is your average citizen who looks at politics.  He actually agrees that the speed bumps will help reduce accidents even though, no one likes them and often avoids them. I agree with him on this notion, I don't completed dig the speed bumps but they do have a useful function. The author and i have both seen  too many "jackasses" speeding down neighborhoods thats not safe.