Friday, May 13, 2016

This is a reply to Texas Enterprise on Mission
blog stage 7 report. I don't believe that Obama should have Administrated that rule. I believe if you have the hot dog then you should go where the hotdogs are at and if you have the bun then go where the buns are at. When you combine both genders in a big restroom, not no one stall bathroom, then you begin to have problems. A restroom is technically design for you depending on the part that your body has. Nevertheless. i agree with the writer that this is practically a modern civil rights movement so much that you have to be politically correct. There definitely needs to be more researched on the transgenders because the are confusingly different. The author then tries to bring up Article IX but the people are already not supposed to be discriminated. I do agree that this act would probably cost a lot of money and its just a start for a revolution in the making.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

OOOh Texas

On May 3rd the texastribune posted an article about Texas Representatives who have ran for president. This article has been recently made due to the fact that Ted Cruz has announced he will suspend his campaign. The announcement comes just after Ted Cruz lost the Indiana primary. Before that election Cruz had a  slim chance to beat Donald Trump but now he doesn't have one, even though Trumps has has just over one-fourth of the GOP approval. Nevertheless, the main point of this article was that Texas Representatives haven't done well become president. AS a born and raised Texan this bothers me. It almost seems like Texas is a laughing stock. For instance Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer. That meme has been all over social media and possible ruined Cruz's chances. Its a complete joke. Rick Perry has a video on YouTube that has been made fun of many times and so many dislikes. He makes Texas  look bad and the worst part is that we elected him. There is also Jeb Bush who didn't make a lot of noise in the race because since he is related to the other two bushes he doesn't have a chance since many people blame George bush for messing up our country. I know that all other candidates get made fun of but I feel like Texas just has it bad. For instance Clinton is just called a liar for her email problem and Trump is enough said. The point is I think Texas Representatives can do so much better or at least make us look not as bad. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Are You In ? Or Not?

Earlier this week the U.S Supreme Court voted a unanimous decision on how districts can be drawled by using the the total population of a district. The opposing side wanted districts to be based off the people who could vote because they felt like some people were bring disfranchised. There needs to be a middle man where the two ides merge because basing districts off total population is wrong.
As part of the ruling the Supreme court stated that since we(the U.S) have done the districts based off total population for a long time they see no reason to change it. Time have changed since and the last thing America needs to do is be outdated. In the total population there are voters and then there's kids, illegals, and prisoners. Kids cant do anything so there's not a big problem with that. However, what about prisoners and illegals? why should they be counted toward the population when they cant choose who represents them and are affected by who the voters choose. With the districts we have now there can be figuratively one hundred voters in one district and one thousand voters in a district next to it. If both district where separated by only the amount of people who can vote then the voting outcome could easily change with a more equal district.
No matter what there needs to be another way to solve districts distributing problem. Maybe we can have another three fifth compromise rule for the people who cannot vote. that might set us back in time and contradict my previous statement but its an idea. Regardless there still needs to be a better way. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court won't probably act on this again at least until the 2020 population census.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Slow Your Roll

On Wednesday March 23 the blog site Off the Kuff  released an article about how Houston officials are trying to slow down traffic in residential area. They plan to do this by installing safety devices like speed bumps in the neighborhood. Every neighborhood will be planned to get speed blocks every 10 to 20 square blocks..It was cited that slower speeds are safer for pedestrians and bikers. The author's intended audience is any driver( mainly Houston drivers) or residents in the Houston area. Although, if this tactic works then i wouldn't be surprised to see this in other cities. The author is your average citizen who looks at politics.  He actually agrees that the speed bumps will help reduce accidents even though, no one likes them and often avoids them. I agree with him on this notion, I don't completed dig the speed bumps but they do have a useful function. The author and i have both seen  too many "jackasses" speeding down neighborhoods thats not safe.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Gun Control!

On Monday February 22,2016 the Austin American Statesman released an article about the legislatures need to reconsider the new campus carry law. The law basically states that public universities are to allow concealed handgun license owners to bring their weapon to school. The author argues that the public universities should have the same option as the private  universities to opt out of the gun law. The author feels this way because many of the private schools in Texas like Baylor TCU, and
SMU have opted out. I agree with author ,as a college student myself, school is a place for learning an if a school doesn't want guns on their campus then they shouldn't have to. It seems like the university of Texas doesn't want to abide to the law, well at least their dean doesn't. .However, the schools are publicly funded so they have to follow to law. One disadvantage of the public schools is that their recruitment process could be hurt because of the students' fear. I believe a school might lose a little bit of recruitment but for the most part most students will still go. Even though guns are allowed in the classroom the guns aren't allowed in dorms. Which is there for a little compromise. To most college students I don't believe it makes a difference.
in closing statements the author believes that all universities should have the option to opt out of the gun law because their dean and supervisors know best and should help decide in their favor.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

 The Houston GOP Debate
The Texas Tribune on Wednesday, February 10th released an article regarding the GOP debates. It turns out that the University of Houston will host the last debate before super Tuesday. The event will be held on February 25th at the Moores Opera House on the University of Houston's campus. The University was chosen by NBC News  and National Review but then ties between the republican party and NBC fell. The republican party parted ways because they felt the debates were unfair. There was an article by The National Review that attacked Trump that help make their decision. A lot of changes happened and the University wasn't sure that they would still have the gig. Luckily CNN along with co sponsors Google and Telemundo the  debate will still take place. This article is important because we can actually go see the debate for our self. We can try to go meet the candidates and see Trumps amazing hair. Our future will be there and we want to know what they will do to better our government.