Thursday, April 7, 2016

Are You In ? Or Not?

Earlier this week the U.S Supreme Court voted a unanimous decision on how districts can be drawled by using the the total population of a district. The opposing side wanted districts to be based off the people who could vote because they felt like some people were bring disfranchised. There needs to be a middle man where the two ides merge because basing districts off total population is wrong.
As part of the ruling the Supreme court stated that since we(the U.S) have done the districts based off total population for a long time they see no reason to change it. Time have changed since and the last thing America needs to do is be outdated. In the total population there are voters and then there's kids, illegals, and prisoners. Kids cant do anything so there's not a big problem with that. However, what about prisoners and illegals? why should they be counted toward the population when they cant choose who represents them and are affected by who the voters choose. With the districts we have now there can be figuratively one hundred voters in one district and one thousand voters in a district next to it. If both district where separated by only the amount of people who can vote then the voting outcome could easily change with a more equal district.
No matter what there needs to be another way to solve districts distributing problem. Maybe we can have another three fifth compromise rule for the people who cannot vote. that might set us back in time and contradict my previous statement but its an idea. Regardless there still needs to be a better way. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court won't probably act on this again at least until the 2020 population census.

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